Working From Home as a Single Mom is Worth It

There is never enough coffee or hours in a day, but it has its rewards.

Ashley Shannon
6 min readJun 21, 2022
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

My alarm goes off at five o’clock in the morning every morning, no matter what time I go to bed the night before, and almost every day, it is a struggle to get out of bed. Bleary-eyed and groggy, I shuffle my slipper clad feet to the coffee maker, clicking it on before I remember that I didn’t pour the water and add fresh grounds like I had planned the night before.

This happens to me a lot.

I make plans, late at night, around one or two in the morning, for the things I need to do before I go to bed. Sometimes they happen, but most of the time, they slip my mind because I’m exhausted.

With a fresh cup of coffee in hand, I start my day by reading emails, catching up on social media, sometimes reading a few pages of the book I’m reading for pleasure. I try to wake up, to get motivated, to get focused, but it’s hard.

After an hour, I pull on my workout clothes to start doing the yoga sequence I put together a few weeks ago. But without out fail, one of my kids will wake up just as I’m pushing myself into downward facing dog. I stop and pour a bowl of cereal, change a diaper, and grab a glass of water. I turn on cartoons and try to get back to my…



Ashley Shannon

Thirty something queer mom of two, one with autism. Lover of sushi, coffee, and wine. Living a life of travel. Top Writer